#MeetMeMonday- F4 U.S. Rookie Accomplishes Rare Honor

#MeetMeMonday- F4 U.S. Rookie Accomplishes Rare Honor

By helping people at all times, keeping physically strong, mentally awake and morally straight, Jack William Miller of Westfield, Indiana, joins Neil Armstrong, Gerald R. Ford and Steven Spielberg by achieving the highest rank in the Boy Scouts of America program- Eagle Scout.  Only four percent of Scouts earn this honor, even less accomplish it before entering high school.

“It takes a lot of dedication and commitment to become an Eagle Scout,” said Formula 4 United States Championship Powered by Honda rookie Miller. “It’s taken a few years to complete the hours of paperwork for badges. I also had to fulfill a community outreach project that I organized. The program has taught me how to be a better leader and to be prepared for anything, which has also helped me in racing from talking to sponsors to being responsible for my actions on the track.”

To become an Eagle Scout, Miller earned 22 merit badges, organized, planed, managed and lead a volunteer project where he and his team of volunteers revitalized the grounds of Little Sisters of the Poor St. Augustine House, an independent living facility for low-income seniors and nuns. Miller also went through a lengthy review process to demonstrate his Scout Spirit.

“The hardest badge I earned was cooking,” Miller said pointing to his badge-filled sash. “I had to learn about all the food-born illnesses from improper refrigeration and preparation. Then I had to cook for my whole troop around a campfire. My favorite badge is fishing. I caught a 9-foot Tiger Shark in Florida to earn that one.”

The second-generation Eagle Scout continues to learn and lead his fellow troops every Monday evening.

“Being a scout has given me the determination to never give up. It’s something I will carry with me for a lifetime.”

Learn more about Miller by clicking here